Team Estonia 2019 🇪🇪

All three members of our team have been involved with robotics for a few years and are all interested in this area because of the things you can build and the people you can get to know. The three of us go to different schools, but despite that, we still manage to communicate incredibly effectively and have made it so far together as an excellent team. We also have a variety of hobbies outside of robotics – such as fine arts, bicycling, programming and watching movies. We also frequently volunteer at different robotics competitions to help advance robotics in general and aid organizers of both local and international challenges. We have participated in different international robotics competitions such as the World Festival in Detroit, FLL Open International Lebanon and last year’s FIRST Global Challenge in Mexico. We had a lot of great experiences in Mexico and also got a lot of inspiration to participate this year as well. We hope that this year’s FIRST Global Challenge will be even better than the previous.

2018 Team Video