Team Cyprus 2017

Robotics in Cyprus is a fairly new area but it is quickly increasing in popularity with younger generations. In 2015, a team of 10 students was assembled to introduce robotics to them. After one year of training using the LEGO MINDSTORMS platform the students formed four robotics teams based on age and worked towards the World Robot Olympiad competition in Cyprus. In the competition, we participated with one team in the elementary, one in junior high, one in senior high and one in the open category. The teams won first place in elementary category, first place in senior high category and second place in the open category. The teams then prepared for the World event in New Delhi, India in November. In the World competition, the teams were able to compete against the best in the world and experience robotics from all over the world. This group of students that represented Cyprus has sparked a huge interest in robotics in Cyprus with more than 100 students registering for courses in 2016. In 2017, the students are excited to participate in new competitions like First Global and are hard at work honing their problem-solving skills and gaining more experience with programming. The students are enthusiastic to compete against the best of other countries showing how robotics has evolved in Cyprus.