Team Serbia 2017

We are Team Serbia! We feel very fortunate to have this opportunity and thank FIRST Global for it. Our true mission is to teach the students skills such as communication, machinery, programming, safety, marketing, engineering, and social skills, which will help them in the future. We must discover all we can know about what that world will be like in the future, and guide our policies and educational efforts from that. Our team is trying to work interdisciplinary, involving new kinds of collaboration. Members of our team are hoping that STEM education is going to be core learning and learning to learn which will prepare students for the unknown.

On the field, we strive to be true team players, changing our game plans if need be for the good for our alliance. What characterizes us is team spirit and realizing the importance of cooperation.

Each of our team members strives toward achieving a common vision: engaged and networked communities of practice. Encouraging the practice of science among students is important for our team leader. We are coming to the United States, hoping that the FIRST contest highlights values such as fair play, solidarity, knowledge sharing and creativity, through technical skills and project management