Team Jordan 2018

We are the Jordanian team (Jordan Nashama). We are 4 students from 9th grade aged 14 years old: Ghid, Thuraya, Sima, and Joud. Our common aim is to develop ourselves and our robotics skills in terms of design and programming. We decided to compete in the competition based off of our past experience in competitions such as WRO, where we had good achievements through progressing over time until we won third place in the race. It wasn’t easy, we faced many difficulties as our school is a public school that doesn’t have financial or technical resources. We went to the community and asked them to support our project, we had some help that enabled us to participate. Another difficulty was to balance between homework and exams and training, which was a challenge for us.

Our love and passion for learning and accomplishing more achievements gave us an opportunity to realize our talents in robotics and to learn more. Because of this we were chosen to represent Jordan in the FIRST Global Mexico Competition. It will be a great opportunity to have a new experience with different students from all around the world and to learn more about robotics and to improve our performance, to make new friends, and to exchange experiences with our colleagues in Jordan.

Our ambition in the future goes with our love for the field of robotics and it will open up opportunities for us to learn Science or engineering and programming, and we hope and want as one team to make this progress for our country.

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