TV Azteca — FIRST Global seeks to develop passion for science in millions of young people in the world

(Translated from Spanish.)

Mexico City, July 24, 2018 – FIRST Global, an international non-profit organization focused on the promotion of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, announced today that it seeks to develop a passion for these disciplines. in more than two billion young people around the world, through the organization and dissemination of annual robotics competitions.

These competences intend that teams of young people from secondary and high school around the world solve challenges related to the 14 Grand Challenges for Engineering in the 21st century – identified by the Engineering Academies of the United States, the United Kingdom and China – to ensure the prosperity of future generations.

These challenges are grouped into four themes: sustainability, health, safety and quality of life.

The 14 major challenges are: reduce the costs of solar energy, develop energy from nuclear fusion, capture carbon from the atmosphere to reduce the greenhouse effect, restore the balance of the nitrogen cycle, ensure the supply of drinking water, and improve the infrastructure of the cities without environmental deterioration.