Team China 2017

We are team China.

This is a team full of various personalities and characteristics. Seven teenagers from different schools in different ages come together and work as a single team. Some of us haven’t seen each other until this cooperation. Most of our team members are fully experienced who have been participated in many kinds of robotic competitions in different countries and got great achievements. With no doubt, representing the best of Chinese teenagers. While some of us are novices in this field, but have the passion and are willing to learn as much as we can.

But besides our differences, what matters most is that we all have the same interest. We are all interested in robots, in technology, in what we can do to change the world. It is for sure that we are able to make something different.

Meanwhile, we have our best monitors that are fully experienced. They give advice and help us during the work.

It is our pleasure to represent China for this challenge. We are excited and ready to face it.