Sobreciencia In Contact With The Soriano High School Students That Are Participating In The “FIRST Global Challenge”, In Mexico


Translated from Spanish.

Until tomorrow the “FIRST Global Challenge Robotics Olympiad” takes place in Mexico, in which young people from 175 countries participate. Yaco Chumillo and Santiago Camesasca, including students of the Liceo No. 1 of Mercedes, and Ignacio García, Belén Camesasca and Sahiara Mar, students of the Pedro Blanes Superior Technical School Viale.

In dialogue with SobreCiencia, Sahiara Mar explained how the event is being developed and what the dynamics of the competition are. For his part, Yaco Chumillo commented that the slogan of competition is linked to energy efficiency and that the regulatory conditions with which they were found in Mexico are very different from what they expected.

[Audio interview]

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