The team of Europe winners of the first Olympics in robotics, Serbian high school students delighted the judges

Translated from Serbian.

The Team of Europe is the winner of the first Robotic Olympics, held in Washington, organized by First Global Program.

Vice-championship was won by a team of high school students from Poland, while the third was a team from Armenia.

Among the representatives of the future generation were also seven Serbian high school students – representatives of the private gymnasium Creative Pen from Belgrade, the XII Belgrade Gymnasium and the Nikola Tesla Gymnasium in Budapest.

The theme of this year’s Olympics was pure water. The task the teams had was to get from the parts they got from the organizer of the robot, which would be quick and efficient in collecting blue and red balls that represent clean and polluted water. The competition took place in six rounds, each time the teams were teamed up in alliances that consisted of three countries. Serbia was in alliance with Montenegro, South Korea, Russia, Lesotho, Myanmar, Chinese Taipei, Equatorial Guinea, Croatia, the United Arab Emirates, Norway, the Philippines and the Nada team, which were sent by refugees from Syria.

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