Young Saint Lucians to participate in Robotics Olympics!

The St. Lucia STAR

I could hardly wait to join Tuesday’s gathering at the department of Education. Three teenage students were scheduled to test-run the robot they had built to compete in the annual FIRST Global Robotics Olympics—a competition for high school-aged participants who work together to solve global challenges. The Ministry of Communications’ team comprised three 18-year old A-Level students who will be heading to Mexico to represent Saint Lucia: Taton David, Dion Racai and Anna Kaye Boodho along with their robot “Hewanorra”.

Also present was team manager Giannetti George, student mentor Kevon Clarke and Chief Education Officer Ruffina Charles. Smiling from ear to ear, Giannetti offered titbits about Saint Lucia’s robot team: “Although we have very little experience in robotics, the members of Team Saint Lucia have been very passionate about science; their mental prowess is outstanding.”

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