Venezuelan youths to represent Venezuela in international robotics competition in the USA

Translated from Spanish.

With ingenuity, humility, and above all; A proud Venezuelan flag, a group of young Venezuelans will represent Venezuela for the first time in the FIRST Global Challengue 2017 robotics competition in Washingtong D.C. (U.S).

The Venezuelan delegation is named Venebot (Venezuelan Robots for being English the official language of the competition) and is led by Kenny Urdaneta, an engineering student in Electronics of the mention of Telecommunications of Rafael Belloso Chacín University (URBE). Next to him, his right hand, Javier Carroz, also student of the same race.

These young people of 21 and 20 years were responsible for carrying out, with much faith and competence, the necessary steps so that, for an unprecedented occasion, Venezuela may present in that competition.

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