Team Guinea 2018

IBRAHIMA is 17 years old and student in 3rd year of High School at HADJA HABIBATA TOUKARA of Guinea. He likes Mathematics and physics. He would like to continue his studies in Robotics to become an engineer. He likes playing playstation and chess games. He’s someone very motivated and willing to learn. He would like to be a part of improving the quality of the fast-evolving world of STEM.

ALGHASSIMOU is 18 years old and is a middle school student in the 9th grade. He’s passionate about Technology. He likes Robotics because it helps go faster when doing an action. He feels that the experience gained and opportunity to work with robotics will allow him to better himself into a position to rid his family and community of poverty.

ABOUBACAR is 17 years old and is student in physics at Djama Senior Secondary School in Siguiri, Guinea. His favorite subjects are mathematics and applied mechanics. He is very passionate about electricity and would like to become an engineer in electro-mechanics. ABOUBACAR is football player, he divides his time between learning robotics and sports.

OUSMANE KEITA – Mentor & Coach 
OUSMANE is the Mentor and Coach of TEAM GUINEA. He is an entrepreneur and founder of Overt Mind Organization, an NGO based on quality education of children, and Live Logistics, a logistics and transport firm based Guinea. He is a laureate of several programs, including International Youth Diplomacy Conference (IYDC 2017) at University of Ghana (Accra) – Model United Nations, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Country Representative of Global Youth Ambassador –THEIRWORLD. He is also the Co-Founder of the Youth STEM Group of Guinea and is passionate about travel and youth development.