Team Kyrgyzstan 2018

Aiperi Chegebaeva, Team Captain
I am a fourth year student at Bilimkana School in Talas, Kyrgyzstan. I would like to be a robot-creating engineer when I grow up.  I have been interested in robotics from early childhood. My first inspiration came with the cartoon about robots by Christopher Wedge In 2005. I was really impressed by people who could make and create a unique thing – a robot – because it seemed a tough task to invent something human-like. I started to prepare for robotics by collecting puzzles for kids, collecting it by very little pieces and making a completed big thing, like when I would be creating a robot, and this became my favorite exercise in my spare time. Furthermore, my family was impressed how I collected puzzles as I was only 4.5 years old and have been always saying that puzzles and the passion for my dream from a very early age are unusual and special things about me which differed me from other kids . Also, I like robotics for other advantages like improving memory, attention, creativity and logical skills which are the crucial parts to be a good robot creating engineer. As an interested-in-robotics person I like Physics and languages as school subjects.  When studying Physics at school , our teacher told us about a genious person – Mikhail Ageev – who played a very important role in robotics. Since then, he became my personal hero that motivates me. Also, I hope that I can invent another kind of robot when I become an engineer and teach robotics to other people by making our technology and industry go round and by improving other people’s skills in robotics.

Maksat Almazov, Driver
I study in 8th grade at Bilimkana schools. I am  interested in robotics because it’s fun and I like to build, collect, and produce objects with electronic devices. I want to create what other people have not created and do not know. I like to repair electrical appliances and create models from melting glue and to be engaged in self-production. I am a unique individual always coming up with all kinds of plans and designs for devices. I create them myself with a hot glue gun and other items. 

Aisulu Asykbaeva, Programmer
I am in 10th grade student at Bilimkana schools. I like to read books and play sports: football and basketball. I am interested in physics and computer science. Robotics is very interesting to learn. It’s fascinating to discover a new area of knowledge for myself. Unfortunately, in my village, there is not enough opportunity to develop these skills. For me, this competition would be life changing. I would have the opportunity to learn additional knowledge about robotics. Humanity does not stand in one place, it develops and uses new technologies, and the future will be defined by this movement. I am excited to be part of this future.