Special performance brought by six golden boys: Romania, world champion in robotics

Translated from Romanian.

Among the six youngsters who represented Romania at the Olympics in Mexico, Darius Lorinczi was the “brain” of the robot. Along with another colleague he handled the robot to meet all the requirements.

“I honestly do not realize that we have won so many things, which surprised me very much was the Einstein Award, which we did not expect, came suddenly. This prize came after the winner of the final. We could not believe it because the Einstein Award is the most important thing, “says Darius Lorinczi , from the RobotX Hunedoara team.

Andrei can say he is the veteran of the team in this competition. He, unlike his colleagues, participated last year at the Olympics.

“Last year we had an average result, I was somewhere in the 48th place in more than 150 countries, it really was not a bad result, but I could have done better, we had a match in which we had some bad luck and that’s why we had this place, if we had won that match, we probably were in the top 15, “explains Andrei Preda.

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