High school robotics team impresses judges


High school student Chhoeut Chanthy had never before seen a robot, let alone built one that operated on code she had written.

But that all changed a few months ago when Ms Chanthy and five classmates in Siem Reap province became the first Cambodian team to enter the First Global challenge, a robotics competition based in the US.

The team outdid even their own expectations, beating regional rival Japan and finishing in 22nd place out of 158 countries that took part in the competition last month.

Each team is first sent a robotics kit by First Global, which they must then use to build a robot that can perform a specific task, without adding any outside equipment.

“This is first time for us that we got the kit from First Global, but the winners from other countries, they’ve done this before and understand about it well,” said Ms Chanthy. “We had to start from square one.”

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