“How can we change the world?”

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Young students from around the world will arrive in Mexico City this August to participate in a competition that taps into robotics to tackle global challenges.

The inaugural التحدي "فيرست جلوبال" in 2017 welcomed high-school students from 157 nations; and this year’s event is expected to be even bigger. Energy Impact is the theme, and a team from each nation will compete in a flexible format to find solutions to major challenges – with other teams – using robotics. They will collaborate to ‘fuel power plants, activate renewable energy sources and build a resilient transmission network to compete in the Olympics of robotics’.

“By engaging the students of the world in a collaborative competition to help solve the world’s most pressing problems, FIRST Global inspires students to learn the skills they will need to make the discoveries their parents and grandparents would consider miracles, fantasies, or just plain science fiction. Instead of focusing on their differences, national teams of young innovators engage in FIRST Global’s collaborative environment that builds trust among nations, as students develop and use the tools of science and engineering to work together to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems,” explained FIRST Global Founder Dean Kamen.

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