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COLONIA, Yap (Habele) — Students on Micronesia’s famously traditional island of stone money have begun to design and assemble hi-tech programmable robots. Robotics clubs at five high schools in Yap received...

South Australian students Michael Brady, Bowen Hawkey, Samuel Moloney, Luke Voigt and Nathan Axford represented Team Oceania and competed against students from more than 160 nations to win the award. The...

The Afghan girls robotics team were warmly welcomed in an international event in Amsterdam in the Netherlands on Thursday. Researchers, scientists and inventors from 100 countries attended the two-day event. The robotics...

The group of students from the Beau Vallon secondary school known as Team Seychelles who took part in the First Global Challenge Robotic Competition held last month in Washington, USA,...

Translated from Indonesian. Technological developments helped bring the achievements of Indonesia's young generation. One of them is shown through Wo-Wi, an innovative robot made by Madrasah Aliyah (MA) students Technonatura, Depok,...

“Everybody here is working together, loaning each other batteries, tools, helping each other fix programming issues to lift each other up,” Participant, First Global Challenge 2017. Imagine a world that is...

Translated from Burmese. Robotic technology in the world in many developed countries has been widely used for many years, but in a developing country like Burma, they are just getting started...

Seven teenagers from Collyer’s Sixth Form College travelled to Washington DC in the summer to represent the United Kingdom at FIRST Global, an international robotics Olympiad. In May, the Collyer’s Robotics...

HIS Royal Highness Prince (Dr) Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah ibni His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, the Crown Prince and Senior Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office and Pro-Chancellor...

Three ICT students at the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (Mcast) took part in the first Global Robotics Challenge which was held in Washington DC, United States. The Maltese...

Electrical innovator Amos Vandy and Computer Programmer Daniel McWilliams have received a $1,000 USD from Bishop Abu of the Flaming Evangelical Ministries (FEM) to help them with their scholarship to...

Translated from Spanish. Mexico was represented by a team made up of students from the Universidad Panamericana (UP), Jorge Ochoa, Guillermo Campos, Antonio Dávila, Alonso García, Eduardo Martínez, Héctor Carrillo, Gerardo...
