Contactez Nous

Common Questions

How can I participate in this competition?

Thank you for your interest in FIRST Global! We have only one national team for each country, and team selection is conducted by our in-country partner. Participants are limited to students between 14-18 years old. Contact information for each team will be shared on their team profile page, which is accessible via this map.

How can I volunteer?

Learn more about volunteering at the FIRST Global Challenge event on this page.  You can send your questions to

Learn more about volunteering in FIRST Global’s Global STEM Corps (GSC) on this page. You can send your questions to

I would like to be FIRST Global's partner in my country. What can I do?

Although we have established partners in most countries, we open an application process at the beginning of each year for entities to apply to be considered for in-country partnership. You can fill out the interest form here. If we have already selected our partner in your country for this year, we will keep your information and send you an invitiation to apply for next year.

Can I attend the competition as a spectator?

Yes, the FIRST Global Challenge is open to public attendance. Tickets will be available at the door on a first-come, first-served basis.

Submit Another Inquiry

Please only submit this form ONCE. Do not submit the same question multiple times.


Important note to teams: Only the Primary and Alternate Team Contacts should contact FIRST Global with team-related questions, and only through the approved communication methods. Students and other mentors should submit all questions through their team leaders.
