Team Hungary 2017

Team Hungary — DLSBrainstorms_roboteam

„Do extra-terrestrials exist?” – the Nobel Prize winning Italian nuclear physicist, Enrico Fermi, was once asked. „Of course” – Fermi answered – „They are among us, but they call themselves Hungarians.”

Our Hungarian-English Dual Language School (DLSB) in Balatonalmádi provides students with an excellent command of English. In addition to this we also place great emphasis on the acquisition of proficiency in Sciences. Our team comprises 7 members and their mentor, all of whom are highly motivated both in Mathematics and in Information Technology. Why not call them „DLSBrainstorms_roboteam”? Their essential characteristic feature is their passion for the Rubik’s Cube and the Neumann digital computer. They are destined to succeed and to win the olympics in July.

Adult mentor: Kanyó, Péter (teacher of Information Technology, Mathematics and Physics)

Additional mentor: Simon, Orsolya (PhD, teacher of English and American culture and civilization, vice principal)

The engineering/ build team students: 

team captain: 

Bikki, Gergely (1997)


Bóka, Ádám (1998) team spokesperson

Lami, Szilvia (1999)

Ipkovich, Ádám (1999)

Hujber, Ákos (2000)

Gyimesi, Norbert (2001)

Győri, Csanád (2002)

Additional traveller: Glósz, Gergely (1998)