Team Antigua and Barbuda 2018

Hello FIRST Global !!! – Team DadliBots here and we bid you warm “Wadadli (native name)” greetings from the friendly people of our beautiful twin-island home of Antigua (An-tee-ga) & Barbuda (Bar-bue-da), which lies in the heart of the Caribbean. We invite you to experience our destination – “Where the Beach is Just the Beginning”.

Joshua Langford (The Engineer) is 13 years old and absolutely loves science and technology. He enjoys spending his time coding and building computers; he aspires to pursue a career as an Engineer. He believes that one of the most important reasons to visit Antigua & Barbuda is to learn about our culture and in particular our clay pottery.

Alise Joseph (The Master Mind) is 16 years old and is beaming with pride to be the first female to represent Antigua & Barbuda in this FIRST Global 2018 Competition. Her hobbies include acting in performing arts, anime and video gaming. She encourages every visitor to Antigua & Barbuda to enjoy all the feting fun that comes along with the Caribbean’s Greatest Summer Festival – Antigua’s Carnival.

Nico Matthias (The Driver) is 17 years old and enjoys playing football, singing, video gaming and working hands-on as a training mechanic. He loves the opportunities that STEM education provides for young people to learn how to solve real world problems. He believes that every visitor to Antigua & Barbuda should never miss the chance to sample our delicious local foods.

Qadash Charles (The Programmer) is 14 years old and whenever he isn’t busy programming or playing video games, he really enjoys reading. He hopes to become a pilot someday as he wants to push the boundaries of reality with his passion for science and technology. The one thing he believes that no visitor to Antigua & Barbuda should ever miss is our awesome pink and white sandy beaches – one for every day of the year.

It’s important to note that while Antigua & Barbuda is renowned for our lush beauty and kind hospitality – we are filled with lots of innovative potential whether in building robots or even mobile apps.

Our team is not only honoured but indeed super excited for the opportunity to be a part of FIRST Global’s awesome STEM Robotics Challenge. We are looking forward to engaging with our fellow participants and showcasing a sample of what Antigua & Barbuda has to offer to the world… We can’t wait to meet everyone in Mexico!!!