Bhutanese robot ‘Druk-Bot’ ranked 17th out of 161

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Druk-Bot, the robot representing Bhutan, lost in the quarter-finals in the FIRST Global Robotics competition in Mexico held last week. The Druk-Bot was ranked 17th out of 161 participating countries.

The robot, which resembles a dragon, was developed by three youth at the FabLab Bhutan.

FabLab Bhutan is a network platform for makers, inventors, artists, researcher, entrepreneurs and creative people. It provides them with a space to exchange knowledge, ideas and technology to invent anything to solve real-world problems at the local, national, and global levels.

Druk-Bot consists of a jaw that can lift objects up to a height of almost two metres and a propeller that can start a windmill by rotating the main arms.

It took the young Bhutanese designers three months to develop the robot.

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