Macarena Abarca, the young 15-year-old teaching robotics to deaf persons

Translated from Spanish.

A Chilean girl of only 15 years gained an internship in New Zealand to learn programming in Code Avengers, one of the main companies of the tech industry. Her name is Macarena Abarca and her initiative is to bring robotics to deaf people.

According to LUN, she led the team at the American British School, where they participated in the Texas World Championship, resulting in finalists. In addition, she integrated the National Talent Selection of First Global Competition.

Her initiative is because her sister is a teacher of deaf students: “There are no impediments to learning: programming is to see and solve and the mechanics are manual and visual. It will be wonderful to see them break down barriers and do new things from what I’m passionate about, “said the young woman in the middle, who is the youngest volunteer of Girls in Tech and Ingeniosas program.

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