Participation of Suriname at FG Robotics Challenge 2017

Translated from Dutch.

Suriname is one of the 163 countries participating in the inaugural FIRST Global Challenge, held in Washington D.C., America from 16 to 18 July 2017. The team that will depart consists of 3 teenagers between the ages of 15 and 18 and an adult team mentor.

National teams participating in this international competition will travel with a self-built robot, which will prove to be able to tackle the simulated global problem of contaminated river water on the H2O flow game field between two alliances (each consisting of teams from 3 countries) .

The theme of the games for this year is “Provide Access to Clean Water”. The goal is to get more young people interested in STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and Robotics for joint search for solutions to our planet’s problems.

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