Students from La Rioja won the 2021 “Robotics Cup” and will represent the country in the FIRST Global Challenge

High school students from all over Argentina faced the challenge of programming and robots, creating solutions related to COVID-19. Now they will face off against 160 countries in the FIRST Global Challenge

(Translated from Spanish)

The team from the province of La Rioja was the one that scored the most points and achieved first place in the 2021 Robotics Cup . The competition virtually brought together 24 teams, one for each Argentine province, to define who will represent the country in the First Global Challenge Robotics World Cup.

Boys and girls from secondary level, for seven weeks, applied their knowledge in robotics and their STEM skills (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) in different challenges, some live and in alliances between provinces; others asynchronous and on their own. The Cup was organized by the educational technology company Educabot.

Replicating the dynamics of the international instance, the challenges of the Cup aimed to show how technology can help solve problems related to the Covid-19 pandemic . One of them consisted of detecting viral agents in a model of a human body through live programming sessions, where they had to send Arduino code to command a nanorobot remotely in real time.