Team Albania on @TravelClub discussing the FIRST Global Challenge

(Translated from Albanian)

The National Robotics Team, which participated in the FIRST Global Challenge in Dubai, was at the Travel Club studios to share with us and all Radio Travel listeners their experience in the competition, also known as the World Robotics Olympics.

El FIRST Global Challenge brings together young people from all over the world who are passionate about robotics, defining each year as one of the challenges of sustainable development.

This year the theme was “Ocean Opportunities” addressing the problem of pollution of the oceans and seas by plastic.

Team members returning with a second-place medal from this race are Gianmarco Cornacchia (captain, mechanic), Dea Rrozhani (outreach programmer), Igli June (mechanic, pilot), Martin Kalo (3D designer, mechanical) and Loyal Mentors Zylka and Juljan Grori.

For the most fascinating details of all this challenge of these gymnasts from Tirana but not only, you can find out in the full interview video.