Team Mali 2017

Mali has the strong ambition to master the technologies of the modern world and to put them to work to improve our country. We are a country with a very deep sense of social solidarity. Each member of our team is coming to FIRST Global to learn as much as possible and to use this knowledge to make Mali a strong country capable of contributing to the development of a peaceful and prosperous world. We are very excited by the opportunity to meet other FIRST Global participants, to share our dreams, to learn about each other’s cultures, and to develop friendships around the world. We come with a message for the world. Many of you come from countries that have so much and, often, technological products are little more than a diversion. In Mali, technology can help us meet the basic needs of our people, save lives, and provide education to all Malians. Malians themselves must take the initiative but we cannot succeed without the cooperation of the countries that presently guide the advancement and utilization of technology. We are so grateful to FIRST for being the first in promoting this cooperation in reaching out to Mali. We know we will meet many of our future collaborators at FIRST Global.  As you welcome us to Washington, DC, we welcome you to Africa. Aw bismillah!