Russian Planet: FIRST Global Challenge 2020 for young engineers of Russia

Russian planet

For the third year in a row, the robotic club “Robomaster” named after Sofia Kovalevskaya represents the Russian Federation at the international youth robotics Olympiads “FIRST Global Challenge” under the flag of the Russian Federation.

The main goal of this youth competition is to develop an interest in STEM education, science, engineering, technology and programming among older students through solving practical problems.

After the first successful competitions in Washington in 2017, they were held in Mexico City in 2018 and in Dubai in 2019. However, in 2020, the coronavirus (COVID-19) made its own adjustments and, in order not to jeopardize the health of the participants, the competitions of teams from more than 100 countries are held online. In this difficult time for the world community, this form of competition is a unique opportunity to unite all national teams using modern means of communication. This is why the challenge for 2020 is to “CONNECTING COMMUNITIES” for youth passionate about robotics.