Four SENA trainees will represent the country in annual robotics tournament in Washington D.C.

Translated from Spanish.

Designing, assembling and controlling a robot that can enter a simulated river in a model and capable of separating particles of water will be some of the challenges that four apprentices from three SENA technoacademies will have to overcome, who will represent Colombia in FIRST Global Challenge 2017, the annual robotics game that each year addresses challenges identified by the National Academy of Engineering of the United States.

Two apprentices from Manizales, and two more from Medellin and Soacha, are part of the SENA team that will travel to Washington D.C. In July, to demonstrate that Colombia has advanced in science, technology, engineering and mathematics from the earliest age, “said Mauricio Giraldo, promoter of SENA’s Tecnoacademia in Manizales.

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